People in business need easy access to credit but not having a good personal credit score can result in credit denials. It can adversely affect business operations. To build a credit score, you need credit cards that remain out of reach for those with a poor credit score. And this is where brand credit cards make a huge difference. These credit cardsare for all, including those with poor credit. Business owners with poor credit score can use the credit cards to build their credit score. It can open the gates for availing more edit to run the business. It is a lifetime opportunity that can change the fortunes of the company and one that no business owner would like to miss.
Offering credit to consumers is one of the staple ways of making retail businesses grow as proved by these cards. It extends credit to one and all including those who are not eligible for traditional edits. Thesecards offer a catalog of products to consumers who could order it by availing credit for 12 months payable in equal monthly installments. The payment includes interest charged on the product value. With time, they have evolved into an online retailer that changed its payment systems and moved away from the closed credit system to offer credit cards to qualifying consumers to enable them to make purchases. To know more about this, you can look up at the Fingerhut Review by PFA.
Credits cards help to build a credit score
Just like other credit card transactions that are reported to the major credit rating bureaus Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion, these retail brands too reports all transactions against its credit cards to the reporting agencies. It makes the credit cards equivalent to any other cards in its ability to build a credit score. But you can use the credit card at specific stores only. That means that you do not have the option of availing lower price for your selected item elsewhere. If this retail credit card is the only card you have for building credit, you cannot help but use it at their stores even if prices are higher and interest on balances are high too. Consider it as a small price you pay to build the credit score that you could not have done otherwise.
No fees for the credit cards
Usually, the retailers do not charge any fees to consumers for issuing credit cards. There are no membership fees, annual fees, or over-limit fees. It means that you can shop as much as you want without caring about the available credit limit set against the card. Besides the interest charged on the purchase value, the only other fee that you may have to pay is late payment fees in case you fail to pay your bills on time.
The interest rate is 29.99% on purchases, and the maximum return payment fee that you may have to pay is $38. You can enjoy an interest-free period of 24 days from the close of each billing cycle. If you clear your bills on time, the high-interest rate will not affect you.
The minimum monthly payment structure is different
The minimum monthly payment structure of the store credit cards is different from other credit cards. For example – if the monthly payments of $1400 and above, you must pay 5% of the outstanding balance as minimum payment. For balance less than $1400, you must pay an amount based on balance thresholds and not any percentage of the balance. For a balance between $7.99 and $44.99, the minimum payment to make is $7.99, but for a balance between $1100 and $1399.99, the minimum amount can be as high as $69.99.
Monthly payments are also available
While you can use the credit card for buying items outright at the online stores, you can also opt for monthly payments that resemble the old closed credit system. You must remember that not everyone can qualify for such benefits. The scheme is highly attractive for those who do not have good credit score and face credit denials. However, you must ensure timely payment. The key to maintaining any card, whether a retail card or credit card involves balancing your expenditure.
You need to maintain a healthy balance between essential expenditure and luxury purchase. Make a list of things that are mandatory expenditure every month. It can include grocery bills, power bills, and necessary maintenance expenditure. Be sure to spend only on these things to maintain a sound financial record.
Salient features of the retail credit account and installment loan
Reward credit cards are very popular with the consumers as there are many benefits associated with it. After collecting points on the loyalty cards, customers can redeem it for their choice of products or services at their convenience.
Some of the cards even offer installment loans for customers to build their buying power at the store. Getting the loan usually involves you can make a onetime purchase within your credit limit. Next, they have to pay a predetermined amount to signal shipment of the consignment. Finally, you can pay off the balance in as many monthly installments as you choose. The installment program rewards users with points when they make payments on time for the full amount.
Since the credit score is all-important today, not having a credit card can rob people of their purchasing power. The biggest attraction of the card is that people who fail to get other credit cards can use the relaxed norms of the brand and get a credit card. In a way, these credit cards empower people with poor credit by helping them to build credit. It enhances their creditworthiness and allows them to access credit more conveniently in the future.
But to avail the benefit, you must be ready to bear the extra cost by purchasing goods from their stores only. Sometimes it may not leave you with any room to look elsewhere for lower prices. Consider it as the cost of financial empowerment that you gain from the credit cards to build a better financial future.