Alcohol Monitoring Made Easy

Despite the rising rates of alcohol abuse in the United States, people struggling with alcohol abuse still face plenty of social stigmas. The potential repercussions of admitting to an alcohol addiction make it difficult for some people to ask for help. 

15.1% Americans of licensed professionals would be classified as having Alcohol Use Disorder. Discreet and convenient tools like alcohol monitoring with Soberlink are crucial for providing individual with the help they need. They enable people to maintain their privacy while still receiving effective alcohol treatment. 

Why Alcohol Monitoring?

Alcohol monitoring is the practice of using a device to detect, record, and track an individual’s alcohol consumption. The systems are useful for Family Law cases, Workplace Compliance issues, and Addiction Treatment. Users submit tests at predetermined times to ensure they adherence to their sobriety and recovery.

There are numerous types of alcohol monitoring devices available. Wearable devices or those installed in vehicles are two of the most common options. These devices are cumbersome and easily noticeable, though. They’re not ideal for licensed professionals trying to maintain a low-profile recovery. 

Outcomes for Licensed Professionals

Licensed Professionals have similar numbers as to the general population, but they have higher recovery rates. Licensed professionals who receive treatment are more likely to maintain long-term recovery. Many credit the monitoring programs that are the norm in many professions. Often, incorporating tools like alcohol monitoring systems helps provide another layer of support and accountability for newly-sober professionals in safety-sensitive careers. 

One study revealed that using alcohol monitoring as part of a comprehensive treatment program was effectively rehabilitated physicians over five years. Dr. Gregory Skipper, a head researcher of the study, acknowledges devices like Soberlink as an essential tool for this industry population. 

He explains that alcohol monitoring devices are imperative in providing supportive recovery accountability and ensuring Workplace Compliance. Dated technology and clunky tools from alcohol monitoring technology’s infancy have trouble integrating seamlessly into their lives. Professionals who want to return to work, while managing their recovery, often find that convenient, discreet devices fit into their routine best.

Alcohol Monitoring Success Stories

Alcohol monitoring can be used by people in all walks of life. It’s an indispensable tool for hundreds of people in recovery. From family custody cases to concerned spouses, treatment programs to Workplace Compliance, alcohol monitoring can help anyone trying to stay sober. 

Soberlink’s comprehensive system provides proof of sobriety, helping to rebuild trust and empower individuals during their first year in recovery. “Because of this amazing piece of technology,” one sober and satisfied Soberlink user shares, “I still have my family, friends, and my dignity.”

How Soberlink is Discreet

Many people need to maintain their privacy and anonymity in recovery. Most alcohol monitoring devices are difficult to conceal, which can add unnecessary concern and stress. Discreet recovery tools like Soberlink empower them to pursue treatment while respecting their anonymity. 

The Soberlink Device

Soberlink is a revolutionary step forward in alcohol monitoring. Rather than attach a clunky device to your ignition or work around a wearable, Soberlink Connect is a small, handheld device designed for remote use. It can be easily stored in a pocket, backpack, or purse when not in use, a far step from the inconvenient alternatives. The compact tool, which delivers real-time results, comes highly regarded by industry leaders, as it combines facial recognition, tamper detection, and Advanced Reporting™ into a device only slightly larger than an iPhone. 

How a Test is Submitted

Soberlink makes submitting tests fast, simple, and convenient. Using scheduled testing, Monitored Clients can submit a test anytime, anywhere, using the system’s wireless transmission capabilities. An individual’s results are submitted, tracked, and shared in real-time with their Recovery Circle. A Recovery Circle, or support network, are often made up of a person’s friends, family, Treatment Professional, and caseworker if they are being monitored due to Workplace Compliance. 

Unlike other alcohol monitoring options, Soberlink allows for discreet and private test submissions. Designed for ease-of-use, clients can experience a sense of freedom and autonomy during their recovery that other devices are reluctant to provide.

How Soberlink is Convenient

Soberlink is equipped with numerous convenient features that ensure a consistent and reliable test every time. 

Facial Recognition and Tamper Detection

Documenting proof of sobriety is essential for professionals returning to work. Supervisors, however, may worry about the reliability of a remote alcohol monitoring device. Further, management might contemplate whether they can truly trust the monitored individual’s test results.

Every Soberlink device is equipped with facial recognition, tamper detection, and Advanced Reporting™ technology to ensure all tests are secure and accurate. Users can’t submit false tests or have someone else test for them without having their results flagged.

Real-time Results and Advanced Reporting™

Soberlink’s Connect syncs with both iOS and Android phones to provide real-time test results. Instead of testing at a lab, users can submit tests from virtually any remote location. The intuitive system documents compliant, missed, and non-compliant tests, allowing for swift intervention if necessary. 

All test results are compiled and uploaded into a cloud-based portal for on-demand access and easy-to-read reporting. Both users and contacts can benefit from Advanced Reporting’s™ thoughtful design. Reports are organized using a universal color code allowing for simple progress tracking.

The Soberlink Difference

Soberlink alcohol monitoring is trusted by thousands of Treatment Professionals across the nation. The innovative system maximizes the capability and convenience of standard technology to ensure consistent and reliable use. Revolutionary technology used by hundreds of Addiction Treatment Programs, Family Law Practitioners, and Licensed-Professional Programs have coined Soberlink the ‘Gold Standard’ in remote alcohol monitoring. Discover the Soberlink difference today.

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