9 Great Startup Suggestions for Computer Science Experts to Explore

If you happen to be a computer science expert looking for a fulfilling new career opportunity, you might already possess the perfect skill set required to start a successful business of your very own. 

The realm of computer science is so incredibly diverse that trying to figure out which path to take can be overwhelming at first. However, there is no need to fret, as the ever-evolving technological landscape can provide the ideal place for a tech-savvy entrepreneur to make their mark. 

If this sounds like an avenue you might want to explore, it is worth thinking about whether or not you have the right contacts, expertise, and qualifications to make the most of it. In this regard, you might want to consider pursuing a computer science degree online, as this can help you to hone your abilities if you have not already done so. 

If you are having trouble coming up with some ideas for your next great business endeavor, here are some suggestions to hopefully help you utilize your passion for computer science in a professional capacity.


  • Web Development Services


As many of the world’s businesses continue to make the transition to the online realm, web developers have a potentially important role to play in making sure the process runs as smoothly as possible. 

Businesses will need highly functioning, unique websites to support their brand online, which is where you can swoop in and save the day with your background in computer science. 

If you have an elite knowledge of coding, a deep understanding of frontend and backend programming languages, and an eye for design, web development might be a superb area in which to start your new business. 


  • IT Consultancy


Businesses with remote workforces are having to actively seek out new ways to optimize their IT processes and successfully integrate new software solutions into their daily operations. 

This is no small undertaking, particularly for larger companies with an outdated IT infrastructure. 

This might be the ideal opportunity for you to start an IT consultancy company and to put your knowledge to the test while providing companies with the means and direction they need to flourish in the modern world. 


  • Build Your Own Game


Some of the best video games ever made were developed entirely by one person, including greats such as Undertale and Papers Please. 

Platforms such as Kickstarter make it possible to crowdfund potentially groundbreaking ideas for games, meaning you do not necessarily need an entire studio behind you to get the job done – just your vision and dedication. 

This may even lead to you starting your own studio in the future, and it is entirely possible to make a great deal of money out of a relatively small budget. 

Your expertise in computer science will no doubt be enough to start developing a wonderful indie game of your very own. 


  • Technology Writer


Sometimes, one of the best parts about possessing a passion for a subject is getting the opportunity to write about it and to help others understand its many wonders and possibilities. 

If you have a creative flair, a thirst for knowledge regarding everything to do with tech, and a desire to develop exciting new content, starting your own publication might be the way forward. 

This can be done relatively easily online, especially in the blog format. It is worth thinking about some of the more popular blogs and how they make a huge amount of money through a host of clever marketing techniques. 


  • A Computer Repair Business


While many people have at least some knowledge of a computer’s various parts, a computer science expert will likely know the intricacies of the hardware in extreme detail. 

If this sounds familiar, you may want to consider starting a computer repair business, a refurbishment business, or even a parts exchange company. 

This can be a great way to help someone out while making money out of what you find most interesting. 

Since workers everywhere are regularly having to contend with IT troubles since they went remote, there might be a market already waiting right under your nose. 


  • Develop a Mobile App


Mobile apps produce billions of dollars in revenue every year, boasting a monumental sum that significantly increases every year. 

Directing your knowledge of computer science towards the field of mobile apps is a great way to utilize your unique skill set, and there are many different markets, platforms, and formats worth exploring in order to find the perfect avenue for you. 

Whether this is mobile games, improving other apps, or developing an entirely new concept altogether, app development could be your way into the world of tech. 


  • Found Your Own Social Media Platform


It is not uncommon to find social media incredibly tiresome and overwhelming from time to time, particularly considering how divisive and aggravating it can be. 

If this sounds somewhat familiar, why not use your computer science skills to start your own platform? 

Even if it starts out as a simple setup for just you and a few friends, some of the best concepts start from incredibly humble beginnings. 


  • IT Training Services


Many businesses rely on outsourcing to make sure their employees are sufficiently and somewhat regularly trained in order to keep up with modern technological developments. 

This could be one example of where you might want to take your expertise. By offering your knowledge, friendly face, and methodology to eager-to-learn employees everywhere, you can start making a name for yourself as a reliable (and highly sought after) trainer. 


  • Explore the World of E-commerce


If you can make an effort to fully research your market and get hold of a product you know your audience will love, the world of e-commerce might suit your skillset nicely. 

There are many areas of e-commerce that a computer science expert can excel in, from customer data analysis, web design, digital marketing, and countless others. 

Computer science is an intriguing field that in many ways continues to shape much of modern society. With a little perseverance and market research, you will no doubt find your perfect entrepreneurial endeavor. 

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