Digital Marketing Trends in Affiliate Marketing

Digital marketing is a highly dynamic field that changes literally each day. New, cutting-edge technologies are emerging in rapid succession. As such, the only way to ensure relevance is to stay abreast of all occurrences.

Affiliate marketing has not been left behind, either. It has witnessed continuous growth and evolution in the last decade. What’s more, experts predict that this growth will continue in the years to come.

The days when affiliate marketing was deemed as an unscrupulous method of promoting nutritional supplements are long gone. This practice has now become a prioritized digital marketing strategy for numerous enterprises all over the world.

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Affiliate marketing now accounts for close to 16 percent of total e-commerce sales. Moreover, some estimates indicate that by the end of the year 2020, spending on affiliate marketing activities would amount to over U.S.D 6.8 billion. Below are some six digital marketing trends to look out for in affiliate marketing:

Influencer Marketing

Over the last few years, there has been a tremendous rise in influencer marketing. An increasing number of people are constantly searching the internet for content and placing their trust in social media influencers. These are a unique crop of people who are considerably knowledgeable about the things people commonly look for.

Influencers are not superstars. They are just ordinary people who endorse services and products based on their personal experiences. The appeal of influencer marketing is because of several reasons. Among these reasons is that the bloggers and influencers have begun to take ownership of their content.

They are rigorously vlogging and blogging about their shopping behaviors, holidays, diets, etc. Brands have also begun to acknowledge the important role they play in marketing. Furthermore, they tend to have a more significant impact on user experience.

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Voice Search

Below are some ways through which you can maximize the potential of voice search in your future campaigns:

  • The user’s intention is paramount when considering voice search capability. Upon the user typing their query, they might be regarded as specific. For example, while looking for T-shirts online, they might type the size and color of their desired product.

 But in voice search, the user speaks the way they would do in an ordinary conversation. This might turn out to be subjective.

  • The majority of searches conducted today are usually local queries.
  • Another captivating trend is image searching. Instead of people saying what they want, they will now be uploading images of whatever they want.

The adoption of smart devices such as Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and personal assistants has accelerated the popularity of voice search. Research has also projected that by the end of the year 2020, approximately half of all online searches will be undertaken via voice search, and this trend will only rise further.

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Data-Based Approaches

Data currently dominate the world of IT. Any debate on future trends is not complete without a discussion on the colossal amounts of data at our disposal.

Close to 90 percent of global data has been amassed within the previous two years. The increasing number of smart devices will only lead to a further increase in data.

The following are ways through which you can use data to your advantage:

  • Defining your KPIs. As seen on Digital Authority Partners, defining KPIs can entail a variety of metrics such as sales, clicks, leads, and impressions. They are the numbers that all your marketing activities are supposed to align with.
  • Understanding why a given marketing effort has failed to yield results. E.g., in case your display advert garnered a thousand impressions instead of the intended 5,000, it is imperative to identify what might have gone wrong. It could be the publisher’s blunder, or you might need to adjust your bid.
  • Ensure that you are viewing data from various angles. Such an approach might assist you in drawing novel and more effective solutions.

What does this portend in affiliate marketing? Regardless of the digital marketing niche, you belong to, success largely depends on the level at which your approach is data-driven. It is imperative to convert the data into tangible insights as well as taking the appropriate action.

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Mobile-First Approach

Internet access via mobile devices has tremendously increased over the last two decades. It is also evident that mobile usage is bound to increase the more in the coming years.

Another exciting technological trend in mobile advertising is a virtual or augmented reality. To stay on top of your game as an affiliate marketer, you need to exploit mobile advertising fully.

Below are some steps you might consider:

  • Optimizing your website for mobile devices. As seen on Forbes, if you don’t use your site on mobile, then you are not going to have an excellent site. Major search engines have made it clear that they intend to make the web more conducive for mobile devices.
  • Ensure that all your adverts are mobile-friendly to serve the ever-increasing mobile audience. In turn, this will tremendously maximize your mobile lead generation. An example of an intuitive platform compatible with mobile is NJGamblingFun.

Mobile phones nowadays account for over 60 percent of clicks within the google search engine. Therefore, failure to create mobile ads can result in a wastage of massive ad spending.

Native Advertising

Native advertising is a method that has mostly been successful in the past, especially for affiliate marketers. What’s more, it is still bound to increase in popularity. Affiliate marketers must also continue to share contextual and relevant information.

This is the ideal tactic to boost your business. According to Exact Drive, three major benefits of native marketing include capturing more attention, building up relevance, and empowering customers.

Google insists on user experience. As such, the marketing of quality content is the way to go. Upon developing quality content, you can then come up with native ads for different audiences who possess high chances of conversion.

Thinking Beyond Google, YouTube, and Facebook

Facebook and Google have, for a long time, been the heavyweights of the digital arena. Nevertheless, their tremendous power has resulted in dissatisfaction from a segment of users. Censorship and privacy concerns have come up, and people have begun looking for other social media alternatives.

As seen, social media marketing has numerous benefits, including capturing a large audience and fostering interaction with customers. Hence many businesses are now promoting their services and products through platforms such as LinkedIn, Reddit, and Pinterest.

The Bottom Line

The above mentioned are the emerging trends in digital marketing. As an affiliate marketer, you must appropriately embrace them for long-term success.

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