So, do you want to become famous on YouTube? Have millions of visits and massive subscribers; get free stuff, or even the attention of companies and record performers? Hundreds of people make money on YouTube. But now, with your five videos with less than 100 views combined, you get discouraged.
YouTube friend list
But hope is not lost, YouTube friend, there are ways to increase the number of YouTube subscribers. If you follow these tips, you’ll see a huge increase in the number of YouTube subscriptions – yes, they subscribe! People will see and love your content, but you have to trust the process and do some work. Okay, there’s no way to guarantee that your video will become viral or that you’ll become famous on YouTube, but you never really know, until you try, do not you?
The title has a sense
On each video, make sure you have a precise, catchy title, description, and keywords. Think about how people will search for your video content and add those words and phrases in these three sections. This will help people find you by doing a search.
Add annotations in your videos, the small text that refers to other videos. You can get more YouTube subscribers & Buy Youtube subscribers, for example, viewing the next video in order. You can use annotations to link to your channel so they can easily subscribe in this way as well.
Content must be good
Create playlists with interesting content. This will automatically go to the next video. You get more views, and people who are looking for your playlists and love your content will subscribe.
In each video, ask your viewers to subscribe and post a comment. The more you remind them to do so, the more you can subscribe to YouTube. But do not abuse, users hate it. Once at the end of your videos and maybe an annotation, it’ll be fine.
Use the search engines and Twitter to find out what’s popular or trendy, and create a unique video about it. People will search for it on Google and in YouTube’s search bar, which will help you get more views that way. Annotate on your other videos to attract more subscribers.
Link YouTube channel to other social media sites, including your blog and Facebook.
Listen to the comments you receive, even if they are mean. Users know what they like and do not like interchangeable videos, joke videos or poor quality videos. Make each new video an improvement over the last – viewers notice and appreciate when they are heard.
Video sounds good
Make your video look good and sound good. If you can, make sure the HD quality you are transferring is correct, or at least that you are providing good lighting and a stable camera in your video. Zoom into the good parts and delete the bad parts. It’s easy to make a fun intro and outing, so your videos look neat. Watch all the popular channels – they all have well-introduced, well-lit, good quality and well-edited videos.
Interaction with subscribers
Interact with other YouTube channels by commenting on their videos. Comment on similar videos and forums, add a subtle link or ask to see your video. This will give you excellent targeted traffic. Video responses to more popular videos work the same way.
Remember, there is no specific formula for becoming famous on YouTube. But if you follow these tips and keep creating unique and interesting videos, you’ll get more YouTube subscribers.
More options for subscribers on youtube
Many YouTube subscribers are wondering how to attract more viewers to their YouTube channel without too much trouble. The answer lies in buying quick views on YouTube. It’s a tool you can use to get more viewers to YouTube.
This tool does not use a proxy program, which makes it quite different from others. This can work whether your PC is on or not. It uses a visualization system that will not cause any violation of the terms and conditions set by YouTube. It directs the actual viewers to your YouTube channel. This traffic can come from other sites such as Facebook and Twitter. What this tool does is send your URL to the different social bookmarking servers, which will drive traffic to your YouTube channel. Do you remember the link to a YouTube video on your Facebook page, the one your friend sent you to watch it, and then just look at what he recommends? That’s exactly how it works.
If this option not suitable for you, go ahead and be proactive. Check out other videos that have been posted with a similar message and leave a good comment and have them check your video in the same breath. Communication will open the world of YouTube. If they like the video, they will send it back, and the irony is that if they hate, they can still send it away.